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    More endpoints to manage your HD Wallets using Crypto APIs❗❕🤓

    We have released new endpoints to help you manage your HD Wallets by using Crypto APIs! 🥳

    Here's what's new:

    1. Sync New HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub) - add a brand new xPub to the Crypto APIs system to be ready for deriving; does not create new addresses nor syncs old data;
    2. List Synced Addresses - list all addresses that Crypto APIs has synced for a specific xPub; includes previous and current/new xPubs, what addresses we’ve synced for them, etc.;
    3. Derive And Sync New Receiving Addresses and Derive And Sync New Change Addresses - derive 100 receiving/change addresses, starting from the last index we have data for, which are then added to the xPub, subscribed for syncing, and start recording data. If no data is available, it will start from index 0;
    4. Prepare A UTXO-Based Transaction From HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub) - prepare a transaction for signing from all synced with Crypto APIs addresses for the specific xPub; applies to all supported UTXO-based blockchain protocols;
    5. Prepare An Account-Based Transaction From HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub) - prepare a transaction for signing from a synced with Crypto APIs address from the specific xPub; applies to all supported account-based blockchain protocols.

    For more information, check out our official Technical Documentation in section "HD Wallets". 😎

    Stay tuned with our official Updates page and Social media to be the first one to see what's new with Crypto APIs. 😉