A few days ago we uploaded some new updates! 🤩
If you haven't seen them, take a look! 😎
- to make the endpoint more accurate, we renamed "Estimate Contract Gas Limit" to
"Estimate Token Gas Limit";
"Get Next Available Nonce" - new Unified Blockchain Data endpoint, get information about the next available nonce by providing the specific blockchain, network and address;
"Validate Address" now supports BSC blockchain;
"Sync HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub)",
"Get HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub) Details" and
"List HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub) Transactions" now support ETH, ETC and BSC blockchains;
"Decode Raw Transaction Hex" - new Blockchain Tools endpoint, decode a raw transaction hex and see the decoded transactions' details;
"List Blockchain Events Subscriptions" - new attribute `deactivationReasons` displays the reason for which the specific Blockchain Event subscription was deactivated by the system.
Stay tuned with our official
Updates page to be the first one to see what's new with Crypto APIs 2.0! 💪🏻