Crypto APIs Build Crypto & Blockchain products faster

  • Announcement Regarding the Upcoming Bitcoin Cash Hard Fork

    There are two scenarios could occur with the Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCHA) and Bitcoin Cash Node (BCHN) contentious hard fork, they are:
    Scenario A: The fork results in two competing chains. Crypto APIs will support both chains.
    Scenario B: No new coin is created. Crypto APIs will then resume supporting BCH.
    As per the latest data, +90% of BCH blocks have signaled support for BCHN over the last days. If this signaling status continues through the hard fork, Crypto APIs will treat the BCHN chain as the future BCH chain which means your requests to /bch/ will be treated as /bchn/. In this case, we will add support for BCHA as well, to access it your calls should be /bcha/ instead of /bch/.
    Should the signaling support change prior to the hard fork, Crypto APIs reserves the right to update the treatment of the chain split in a further announcement.

  • Crypto APIs 2.0 is almost here!

    New Feature Announcement

    We are happy to announce that we have finished the stress tests on Crypto APIs 2.0, and the results are amazing.
    We have achieved a 25 ms response time for 10,000 requests per second, which is a huge success comparing with current APIs on the market.

    Crypto APIs 2.0 is OpenAPI 3.0 based.

    Please stay tuned for further updates!

  • Payment Forwarding for ETH is optimized

    Improvement Announcement

    ETH Payments Forwarding was optimized successfully. We had issues because of the huge number of forwarding we do.
    After the done optimization, we could process hundreds of thousands of forwarding per day without any delay.

  • Send a transaction in HD wallets is fixed

    Improvement Fix

    Sending transactions in HD wallets was not selecting the UTXOs properly.
    This issue is fixed now and you can rely on our HD wallet and send transaction endpoint to avoid building the transaction, checking UTXOs, etc.

  • Payment History & Invoices in your Dashboard

    New Feature

    The new menu under your Dashboard allows you to download your invoices, track your payment history; sort by date, amount, and purchased plan. 

  • "everyConfirmation" is added to Webhooks


    Now you can set the new optional parameter  "everyConfirmation" to true, this means you want to get a callback for every confirmation, of course these callbacks stop when they reach "confirmations".

  • "originalAddress" is added to the response of Webhook in case of different addresses (BCH legacy)


    As you may know BCH has legacy addresses and new format which starts with "bitcoincash:"
    In Crypto APIs, we support both in all endpoints but when you subscribe for a webhook for a legacy address and there is a transaction for the same address but with the new format we didn't send you a callback.

    Now, we send you a callback for such transactions as well and to avoid any confusing on your side we send the "originalAddress" in the response.

    Here you can see all details:

  • Add allowDuplicate optional parameter in webhooks creation


    You can't create the same webhook more than once now, in order to create exactly the same webhook event you need to set the optional parameter "allowDuplicate" to true, this will allow you to add as much as you want the same webhook event.

  • Ripple is Live!

    New Feature

    We are glad to announce that Crypto APIs supports Ripple now, we support both testnet and mainnet.
    You can:

    • Get node information.
    • Get block (ledger) by hash
    • Get block (ledger) by height
    • Get address details
    • Get transactions by address
    • Generate addresses
    • Get transaction details by hash
    • Get transactions by block
    • Broadcast transactions
    • Transactions Fees for all types of transactions
    • Webhooks!

    More features are coming soon.

  • The balance of tokens is added to Get Tokens by Address endpoint


    You can get all tokens by address in ETH using our endpoint:

    In addition to contract, token, symbol and type we return now the balance as well.