You can get now all unconfirmed transactions by address, here is the endpoint:
In case you need the confirmed transactions by address, here is the already existing endpoint:
You can get now all unconfirmed transactions by address, here is the endpoint:
In case you need the confirmed transactions by address, here is the already existing endpoint:
Many customers got this error using our APIs or with their own node. It happens if you try to broadcast a second transaction and the first one is still not mined, which means it doesn't allow you to create more than one transaction from same address in the same block.
Now this issue is solved and you can create as much as you want transactions from same address in the same block.
This is valid for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dash and Doge.
You can now filter by token type and use index and limit for the results in Token Transactions endpoint.
In case you want to send a transaction from HD wallet and the first address has not enough funds, the system will try to find the best match to collect the needed value and execute the transaction.
ETC Agharta hard fork is done, all Crypto APIs nodes were upgraded successfully.
Any application using own Ethereum node would stop working if the hard fork is not applied. Using Crypto APIs gives you a huge relief as you will never take care of updates, patches, forks etc. All is taken care by our team.
Crypto APIs Node.js SDK was updated, here you can get the latest version:
Our PHP SDK was updated, all new endpoints and new features were added.
You can monitor any Omni Layer token including Tether without the need to setup your own node and implement Omni Layer.
Crypto APIs support 3 types of Webhooks for both Omni Layer networks (testnet and mainnet).
Here you can read more information:
Calculating the transaction fee in BTC, BCH, LTC, Dash and Doge is not an easy task, all want to spend as less as possible for fee and in the same time to get their transaction mined as soon as possible.
We have an endpoint which is giving you the minimum, average and maximum paid fee. It's based on the last 70 blocks. This information is useful but it's not enough as transaction fee depends mainly on the size of the transaction, this size is in bytes. The more bytes is your transaction the more fee should be sent.
That's why we have created a new endpoint, this new endpoint will give you exactly how many bytes is your transaction, based on it and based on the previous endpoint you can calculate the needed minimum, average and maximum fee and decide which one you want to use.
Transaction Fee:
Transaction Size: