We would like to announce that Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is fully synced and stored in our databases, a data integrity check was performed successfully.
We would like to announce that Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is fully synced and stored in our databases, a data integrity check was performed successfully.
We are glad to announce that the .NET (C#) library for Crypto APIs is live now. It includes Unit Tests and all current endpoints (+350).
Here you can check it: https://github.com/Crypto-APIs?tab=repositories
As you may know, we count every 50 results as one request when the result is a list of data. This is not valid for Meta data any more. Now we count 1 request only no matter how big is the list of data.
Here you can check the Metadata: https://docs.cryptoapis.io/#metadata
We have added a new event type in all Webhooks, it's called Transaction confirmations. When you subscribe for this Webhook, you should mention the address and the maximum confirmations (ex: 6 confirmations for BTC. Crypto APIs will notify you 6 times).
We are glad to announce that Dogecoin is one of the supported Blockchain protocols in Crypto APIs now, you can integrate it and test using the test net, here is the API documentation: https://docs.cryptoapis.io/#doge
Creating transactions using HD Wallets for Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is now possible using Crypto APIs, the endpoints are tested and live, here you can find them:
BTC: https://docs.cryptoapis.io/?http#btc-transactions-hdwallet-transactions LTC: https://docs.cryptoapis.io/?http#ltc-transactions-hdwallet-transactions BCH: https://docs.cryptoapis.io/?http#bch-transactions-hdwallet-transactions
We have created a new endpoint to give more information about the transaction fees like the lowest fee price, highest fee price, recommended fee, etc.
The feature is live for ETH, BTC, BCH and LTC.
Crypto APIs is conducting a Token Sale and IEO.
Read the Whitepaper: https://cryptoapis.io/docs/CryptoAPIsWhitePaper.pdf?ver=1.0 or Participate: https://tge.cryptoapis.io/register/
We have released a new version of our Node.js library, we fixed few minor issues and added support for Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin. You can check it out here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/cryptoapis.io
"QTM" in Yobit refers to QAU https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/qtum/, It's fixed.