Crypto APIs Build Crypto & Blockchain products faster

  • Service Optimization Updates & Release Of Two New Endpoints For HD Wallets

    New Feature Improvement Announcement KMS

    We are releasing several improvements, affecting the “Get Transaction Details By Transaction ID” and “List Tokens Transfers By Transaction Hash” endpoints. In addition, two new endpoints “List Synced HD Wallets” and “Activate HD Wallets” have been introduced and are now available for integration as part of our blockchain suite.  

    Get Transaction Details By Transaction ID

    As part of our planned upgrades we have added to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) protocol a “Transaction Status”. Customers can now obtain data about transactions that occurred on the protocol, and more specifically get information on their transaction unique identifiers.   

    List Tokens Transfers By Transaction Hash

    Through this endpoint, our customers can receive data about transactions, including details on whether transactions are validated on the blockchain. Our update added the “Token ID” attribute to the endpoint, allowing receiving information for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) about their unique identifier code 

    List Synced HD Wallets - new endpoint :new:

    This endpoint allows our customеrs to list all of their synced wallets and delete them. Via pagination getting up to 50th results in a single page.

    Activate HD Wallet - new endpoint :new:

    Customers can choose to initiate a one-off synchronization for their HD wallet in case of payment delays or subscription plan downgrades due to insufficient payments. Upon re-subscribing to our services the new endpoint will allow to re-activate synchronization for their hierarchical deterministic wallet(s).

  • New blockchains supported, KMS updates, New API versioning & improvements

    New Feature Improvement Announcement KMS

    What`s New?

    Two new blockchain networks have been added to our infrastructure and we are now supporting

    • Tezos blockchain
    • Stellar blockchain

    We released a new API versioning allowing generation of new endpoints. Find more details on Crypto APIs API versioning here 

    We also upgraded our KMS to version 0.7.2 with improvements in Zcash generate address functionalities

    Technical documentation updates

    • We have removed Ziliqa from the Technical Documentation section 


    • Minor issues and bugs are now fixed and new changes are introduced across the following:
    • Token Transfers By Transaction Hash
    • Confirmed Tokens Transfers By Address
    • Unconfirmed Tokens Transfers By Address
    • Tokens By Address
    • Token Details By Contract Address
    • Confirmed Tokens Transfers By Address And Time Range

    We`ve also added new blockchain events improvements 

  • KMS Version Upgrade

    Improvement Fix KMS

    We have upgraded our KMS version to version 0.7.2.
    In the latest version we have removed issues associated with Zcash.
    All minor issues reported have been resolved.

  • New endpoints releases, improvements and KMS updates

    New Feature Improvement KMS

    We have released two new endpoints for preparing token transfers as part of our Blockchain Tools:

    Using these two separate endpoints, customers can prepare transfers for fungible and non-fungible tokens from an address with private and public keys. The address doesn’t have to belong to a wallet. The response will include the transaction fee in Wei.

    What else is new:

    Technical documentation updates:

    We’ve added additional information on the paginated and list based endpoints and we’ve updated the values for API requests. 

    We've also updated our Key Management System (KMS) on GitHub.

  • New prepare transaction endpoint and more updates

    New Feature Improvement KMS

    Here is what's new in our latest release:

    New endpoint: Prepare Transaction From Address

    Through this endpoint customers can prepare a transaction from an address with private and public keys. The address doesn’t have to belong to a wallet. The response will include the transaction fee in Wei. The API is part of Blockchain Tools.


    The endpoint Prepare An Account Based Transaction From HD Wallet has been renamed to Prepare A Transaction From an Address in HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub) to more correctly reflect its purpose. 

    We’ve also updated our Node.js SDK and our Key Management System on GitHub.

    Please update your libraries if you’ve used this endpoint.

    The Crypto APIs Team

  • KMS Update v0.3.0

    Improvement KMS

    We’ve updated our open-source Key Management System (KMS) to add support for more blockchains and make some improvements. 

    We’ve added as possible values Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Zcash to the Prepare A UTXO-Based Transaction From HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub) endpoint that can be used with the KMS.

    Ethereum Classic is now supported in the Prepare An Account-Based Transaction From HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub) API.

    We’ve also made some small improvements and added a MIT License (MIT) that outlines the permissions of use. 

    If you’ve already implemented the KMS, you’ll need to upgrade the SDK to the latest version. Check it out on GitHub.

  • KMS Updated SDK Version 0.1.5 Released

    Improvement KMS

    We have released a new and improved version of our Open-source Key Management System (KMS)

    You can check it on our GitHub page

    What’s new:

    • The release includes better descriptions of endpoints and functions and better examples. 
    • We have also removed redundant functionality related to blockchain events. 
    • Bug fixes

    What is Crypto APIs KMS?
    The Crypto APIs KMS is a self custody solution for generating and storing of private keys.  It is an open-source Node.js library providing full control over master private keys, master seeds, and mnemonics. It allows you to create HD wallets (xPubs) and sign transactions locally without a network connection (offline).
    The KMS can be used in combination with Crypto APIs product suite for syncing xPub, deriving wallet  addresses, listing wallet addresses, getting fee recommendations, preparing the transaction with the  right data, broadcasting locally signed transactions. 

  • Open-source Key Management System (KMS) as part of Crypto APIs 🥳

    New Feature Announcement KMS
    Open-source Key Management System (KMS) is now a part of Crypto APIs! 😎

    As a Node.js SDK library it allows businesses and organizations to have full control of master private keys, master seeds, and mnemonics.

    Check it out on GitHub! 🤓

    For more information view our dedicated KMS website page. 👌

    Stay tuned with our official Updates page and Social media to be the first one to see what's new with Crypto APIs. 😉