Crypto APIs Build Crypto & Blockchain products faster

  • New endpoints to Blockchain Data and WaaS! πŸ₯³

    New Feature Announcement WaaS
    We just uploaded some new endpoints to various Crypto APIs products! 😎

    Take a look what's new. πŸ‘‡πŸ»

    Wallet as a Service (WaaS)

    1. List All Assets From All Wallets - obtain information about available assets from all of your wallets, regardless of the blockchain protocol or network;
    2. List All Assets By Wallet ID - obtain information about available assets from any of your Wallets by providing the `walletId`;

    Blockchain Data:

    1. Get Raw Transaction Data - obtain information on a transaction in its raw format by providing its `transactionId`;

    List various types of transactions by providing the `address` attribute and the new query parameters `fromTimestamp` and `toTimestamp` to filter results by a specified time period.

    2. List Internal Transactions By Address And Time Range - list internal transactions by `address` for a specified time period;
    3. List Confirmed Tokens Transfers By Address And Time Range - list confirmed tokens transfers by `address` for a specified time period;
    4. List Confirmed Transactions By Address And Time Range - list confirmed transactions by `address` for a specified time period;
    5. List XRP (Ripple) Transactions By Address And Time Range - list XRP transactions by `address` for a specified time period;

    Stay tuned with our official Updates page to be the first one to see what's new with Crypto APIs 2.0! 😎

  • Latest Crypto APIs 2.0 Updates! πŸŽ‰

    New Feature Improvement Announcement
    A few days ago we uploaded some new updates! 🀩

    If you haven't seen them, take a look! 😎

    - to make the endpoint more accurate, we renamed "Estimate Contract Gas Limit" to "Estimate Token Gas Limit";
    - "Get Next Available Nonce" - new Unified Blockchain Data endpoint, get information about the next available nonce by providing the specific blockchain, network and address;
    - "Validate Address" now supports BSC blockchain;
    - "Sync HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub)", "Get HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub) Details" and "List HD Wallet (xPub, yPub, zPub) Transactions" now support ETH, ETC and BSC blockchains;
    - "Decode Raw Transaction Hex" - new Blockchain Tools endpoint, decode a raw transaction hex and see the decoded transactions' details;
    - "List Blockchain Events Subscriptions" - new attribute `deactivationReasons` displays the reason for which the specific Blockchain Event subscription was deactivated by the system.

    Stay tuned with our official Updates page to be the first one to see what's new with Crypto APIs 2.0! πŸ’ͺ🏻

  • Endpoint updates! 🀩

    New Feature Announcement WaaS

    We at Crypto APIs are glad to announce that we have new and updated endpoints live from today! 😎

    - Activate Blockchain Event Subscription - activate an existing but inactive Blockchain Event subscription and renew those callbacks;
    - List Deposit Addresses - has been updated with information on confirmed balance, fungible tokens and NFTs;
    - Get Wallet Asset Details - has been updated with information on fungible tokens and NFTs;
    - Broadcast Locally Signed Transaction - has been updated to use the XRP blockchain, as well.

    For more updates keep an eye on our Updates page and social media.

    Happy Holidays! πŸŽ…πŸ»

  • Crypto APIs introduces WaaS Backup and Recovery πŸŽ‰πŸ₯³

    New Feature Announcement WaaS

    Did you see our new features from yesterday? πŸ₯³

    Crypto APIs Wallets are upgraded and diversified. Users can now also back them up using our new Open Source Recovery Tool β—β•πŸ€©

    πŸ’° Set up your Wallet from your Dashboard by choosing the exactΒ type you need - Hosted, Shared or Custom
    βœ” Choose when to back up - during the Wallet's creation or after
    πŸ”‘ Back up your Wallet easily and securely with an RSA key pair
    πŸ’» Generate your unique RSA key pair by using our Open Source Recovery Tool, available for Windows, MacOS and Linux
    πŸ‘πŸ» Use our Open Source Recovery Tool to both back up and later - recover your Wallet

    You can see our official Guide on the Open Source Recovery Tool and WaaS Backup process for more information. πŸ€“

    Still don't have a Crypto APIs Wallet? No worries! Create yours from our Dashboard and back it up easily and securely. πŸ˜‰

  • More Crypto APIs updates 😎

    New Feature Announcement WaaS

    New updates from last week! 🀩 Take a look: 

    - Now you can see which Governance rules and Contact groups are pending changes. Navigate to the new "Pending-New rules" tab under Governance layer and "Pending contacts" under Contact groups > Manage contacts; πŸ“
    - Subscribe for Blockchain Events from the Dashboard; πŸ₯³
    - ETC is now available for more Wallet as a Service endpoints: 🧐

    1. List Wallet Transactions
    2. Generate Deposit Address
    3. List Deposit Addresses
    4. List Supported Tokens
    5. Get Wallet Asset Details
    6. Get Transaction Request Details

  • New Feature: WaaS Contacts! 😱πŸ₯³πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰

    New Feature Announcement WaaS

    Our Wallet as a Service is becoming more enriched with new features and possibilities! πŸ₯³

    Now you can set, manage and use WaaS Contacts! πŸ“βœ¨

    Set your addresses as single Contacts or together in Contact Groups. Use them to more easily manage your Wallet and its Governance layer. Now you no longer need to search for specific addresses or take a lot of time in creating rules. With our Contacts it is now faster and easier. As it should be! πŸ‘πŸΌ

    See this new feature in your Crypto APIs 2.0 Dashboard. 😎

  • New endpoint: List Unconfirmed Transactions by Address πŸ€“

    New Feature Announcement

    Not every blockchain company can provide their customers with information from the mempool. 
    But Crypto APIs can! We have a new endpoint - List Unconfirmed Transactions by Address! πŸ₯³

    Now you can get information on unconfirmed transactions by using the `address` attribute.

    Check our new endpoint in our official Documentation. 😎

  • New updates to Crypto APIs! 🀩πŸ₯³πŸ€˜πŸΌ

    New Feature Improvement Announcement

    We have updated some features in our Crypto APIs products! Some bugs have been fixed, endpoints have been improved, and more blockchains have been introduced. 😎

    - We are adding Binance Smart Chain! - currently BSC is available on Testnet only for Blockchain data endpoints, which include Unified, Tokens and Internal Transactions. More from BSC it on its way! πŸŽ‰
    - Zcash is now part of the family! - Zcash has been added to Blockchain Data Unified endpoints. More from Zcash coming up! πŸŽ‡
    - We now support Tokens and Smart Contracts in ETC! 😍
    - Ethereum Classic now available! - ETC has been added for Mainnet to Blockchain data Tokens and Internal transactions. ETC for Mordor is now available for Blockchain Data Internal endpoints. ✨
    - Endpoints have been tweaked and improved in examples, responses and attributes. πŸ€—

    New changes you can see in our official Developers Portal. Stay tuned for further updates by following our Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages, and of course our official Updates page for Crypto APIs 2.0. πŸ€“

  • New feature: System actions πŸ€“πŸ˜±πŸ₯³

    New Feature Announcement

    We have developed and integrated a new feature in our Dashboard. 😎

    With the help of special processors and system managers, performing more important actions can now be managed and specified with approvals and/or rejections by specific team members of your choosing. This provides more security for your accounts and use of Crypto APIs products. πŸ”’πŸ’ͺ

    Approving and rejecting actions happens from theΒ Crypto APIs 2.0 Dashboard. There you can also review action requests to see more information about who approved or rejected them. Information is displayed with details such as status, time created, the specific action, the user who responded to it, and more. πŸ€—

  • New: Notes for transaction requests πŸ€“

    New Feature Improvement WaaS

    A new feature is available for our Wallet as a Service product. πŸ˜‰

    Add optional custom notes to the transaction requests you make. Define reasons or details for these transactions so that the team members approving them will know exactly what they are intended for. πŸ“‹

    View your notes in the Transactions Approval section in your Crypto APIs Dashboard 2.0. Add them through the Dashboard or the API itself. πŸ‘